The only way to not let fear or your anxiety rule your life is to tackle it head-on. Don’t avoid it or resist it. Don’t let it stop you from doing the things you love.
Get comfortable with being with your fear and anxiety. Sit with your fear. Allow it to wash over you. Allow yourself to dance with it. Allow yourself to play with it.
When you allow yourself to feel, acknowledge and get to know it helps you not feel so scared anymore.
I know, I know. Easier said than done. But when you are in those moments of fear, and you are about to let them win. When you are about to let them stop you from doing everyday activities, pause. Connect with your breath. Focus on your breath and remember that you got this. That this is a temporary moment in time and you will move past it. The anxiety will subside eventually. You will have relief eventually.
Here are my top 3 tips for staying on top of your anxiety:
01. Make a routine- it’s helpful to make a routine specifically to help you stay on top of your anxiety. Figuring out what works for you and sticking to it. To help you with this here is a link to my Mindful Morning Routine Workbook. This will help you develop a morning routine that will support you throughout the day.
02. Create a mindfulness practice – Meditation has been a key to helping me stay grounded and in the present moment, which makes it impossible for anxiety to live. Here is a link to my guide on How to Meditate. This is a quick guide on how to start and develop a meditation practice.
03. Create positive coping mechanisms to help you through your moments of anxiety – Let’s face it. Healing is a journey and its not an overnight fix. You will experience anxiety and the only way to overcome it is to go through it. Figure out a plan to execute when you are in the overwhelm of an anxiety spiral. Here is a link to my Anxious to Bliss Mood Shifter Mini Journal. Use this when you need to process your anxiety spiral and use it as a way through it. This may be one useful tool to use during your anxiety spiral.
I hope this helps! This is some of the stuff that has personally helped me in my healing journey. Everyone’s journey is different and it’s definitely worth a try.
Here is the link to the Google Doc version of this cheat sheet. Save it to your phone when you need a reminder 💕
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