holistic healing 

with jess

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Here is your one stop shop for free resources on how to heal yourself holistically. I hope you enjoy!





holistic healing

How to not let your anxiety win The only way to not let fear or your anxiety rule your life is to tackle it head-on. Don’t avoid it or resist it. Don’t let it stop you from doing the things you love.  Get comfortable with being with your fear and anxiety. Sit with your fear. […]


Anxiety Shifter Cheat Sheet – How NOT to let your anxiety win

It’s okay to struggle with anxiety. For real. You are not alone. I struggled with it. I fought with it. It was a constant battle in my head. I felt like I could see all sides of every situation and I couldn’t land on any decision. I was paralyzed by fear. I was stuck. AND […]


It’s okay to struggle with anxiety.

Anxiety can be limiting. I would start to think positively. I would start to rebuild my inner thoughts. I would go down the path of healing. Then something would trigger me and I would be at it again. I would then start to tell myself the same old limiting story of why I wasn’t good […]


Why Anxiety can be so limiting and how to cope – Anxiety Shifter

Do you everDo you ever have those moments where you are stuck in an anxiety spiral, where all you can think is through a negative lens? “I’m so dumb.” “WHY did I do that? I totally suck at life.” “Nothing goes my way.” “Bring on the shit storm. It’s one thing after another.” “I’m not good enough.” […]


Six Tips to Stop Negative Thoughts – Anxiety Shifter

When you areWhen you are feeling overwhelmed. Your thoughts have taken over. You just don’t know where to start or where to go. You are in an anxiety spiral. A good way to cope and find your way back to calm is using the acronym RAIN.  It’s the idea of slowing down your emotions and thoughts […]


How to cope with your Anxiety Spiral through RAIN

Positive coping activitiesPositive coping activities are essential when dealing with an anxiety spiral. Here are my top 4 activities to do when your mind just doesn’t want to stop: 01. The Five Sense Activity Get into a comfortable position and look around the room.  Find the following items: 5 things you can see 4 things you can hear 3 things you can touch 2 things […]


4 Coping Strategies to help you deal with your Anxiety

holistic healing

with jess